Get a lot of churches (works only in MS-DOS) There's a good chance this may cause a disaster. Now the third will earn $1.5 million a year. Use the 'FUND' code twice, then enter the budget window and issue a regular bond. You might want to lower the tax rate now. Exit the tax screen and the menu, then release L and R (be sure that your money is negative).Ĭongratulations! You now have §999,999. Raise all settings to 100% except for the tax rate. While still holding these buttons, use the menu to return to the tax screen. While holding these buttons, change all settings to 0% and exit the screen (don't release the buttons yet). As soon as the screen turns black, hold L + R. Put the game on the fastest setting and wait for the tax grid to appear. 999,999 simoleons - First spend all your money.
Put electrical lines over all the railroads and set transport funding to 0%.
However, railroads with electrical lines over them won't. SimCity snapshot of roads with electrical lines not breaking down.